Energy Archives - Goumbook Changing Mindsets Fri, 18 Aug 2023 16:52:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Energy Archives - Goumbook 32 32 Is Deep Sea Mining A Threat To The Ocean? ISA’s Climate Action Plan Mon, 17 Jul 2023 11:09:32 +0000 The International Seabed Authority (ISA) has invited representatives from all over the world to discuss rules and regulations on deep-sea mining from 10th – 21st July 2023 in Jamaica. Its primary function is to regulate exploration and exploitation of deep seabed minerals found in ‘the Area’, which is defined by the Convention as the seabed and subsoil beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, that is, beyond the outer limits of the continental shelf.

Existing regulations placed by the ISA state that either the countries implement a moratorium on deep-sea mining so that scientists can continue researching the environmental impacts of this practice, or they issue regulations which would ban it altogether. The current standing reflects that 19 countries have agreed to either ban deep-sea mining or put a moratorium on it. Over 700 scientists from over 40 countries will be coming to Jamaica to study the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining. 

  • 4 of the 21 countries have created moratorium alliances, working together to solve deep-sea mining problems, including Samoa, Fiji, Federal States of Micronesia and Palau. 
  • 3 countries (New Zealand, Switzerland and Canada) have put a moratorium on deep-sea mining, wherein each country will be researching and applying the regulations individually. 
  • 14 countries have put a precautionary pause, temporarily halting all deep-sea mining operations. These countries are Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Germany, Brazil, Panama, Sweden, Ireland, Dominican Republic, Vanuatu, Finland and Portugal. Brazil, Finland and Portugal are the most recent country to commit.
  • France is the only country that has put a complete ban on deep-sea mining. 

No clear assessments of the impacts of deep-sea mining on the environment have been extensively carried out to date.

Global view: Deep sea mining operations

Image Credit: Hein, J., Mizell, K., Koschinsky, A., and Conrad, T.

This image shows the different places where deep-sea mining operations could take place. The mineral deposits of interest are found in three habitats located on the seafloor: the abyssal plains, seamounts, and hydrothermal vents. 

  • blue-coloured dots, also known as polymetallic nodules, are fossilised metals. 
  • yellow spots represent cobalt which has accumulated in our crust. 
  • orange spots are cracks in our crust which allow the sulfur from the core of our planet to escape. 

However, the circled blue dot highlights the highest concentration of these fossilised metals. In this area, companies want to make a deep-sea mining city filled with rigs and structures to help with the extraction of nodules.

DSM is anticipated to impact all levels of the ocean, from waste dumped into the midwater column to the physical mining and churning of the ocean floor. There is also risk from the potentially toxic slurry (slurry = a mixture of dense matter) water dumped into the top of the ocean. The most direct impacts on oceans at mining sites are the destruction of natural landforms and the wildlife they host, compaction of the sea floor, and creation of sediment plumes that disrupt aquatic life. Indirect impacts result from noise, electromagnetic effects, disruption of the larval supply, contamination and fluid flow changes. This would not only impact global fisheries but also reduce humanity’s ability to combat climate change, as well as threaten the lives and livelihoods of islanders and coastal communities.

Potential specific threats to the ocean ecosystems include; 

  • Vacuuming of the nodules. The sucking up nodules involve the destruction of the seabed leading to the potential extinction of specie;
  • Stripping seamounts of the outer layer of ‘crusts’ containing cobalt and other metals destroys habitats including deep-sea sponges and coral ecosystems;
  • Plumes of sediment created during mining stir up the seafloor, possibly spreading tens of thousands of square kilometres beyond the mining sites, disturbing ecosystems and species. 

It is evident, deep-sea mining will critically damage the environment and ecosystems that are – vital for our planet. Today, some seabed mining operations are already taking place within continental shelf areas of nation-states, generally at relatively shallow depths, and with others at advanced stages of planning. While commercial DSM has not started, various companies are now invested in initiating mining. In this context, the legislations set in place by the ISA are critical, with climate activists and environmentalists looking forward to the imposition of further precautions, including bans by more countries. 

Written by Siddhant Pandey, edited by Nicola L. & Anuradha B.

UAE Increases Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets Tue, 13 Sep 2022 12:07:52 +0000

The UAE Cabinet, headed by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, approved a new version of the UAE’s second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. The updated NDC responds to the call of the Glasgow Climate Pact, a main outcome of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), for countries to strengthen the ambition of their NDCs by end-2022.

In support of the objectives of the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative, the new document outlines the country’s increased climate target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31 percent compared to the business-as-usual scenario for the year 2030, which is projected to amount to 301 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), assuming a moderate annual economic growth rate based on historical trends. The reduction target translates into an absolute emission avoidance of 93.2 million metric tonnes of CO2e.

The UAE’s updated second NDC features a breakdown of the GHG emission reduction target by sector. The electricity sector is projected to be the highest contributor to the target at 66.4 percent, followed by the industrial sector at 16.6 percent, transport at 9.7 percent, carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) at 5.3 percent, and waste at 2.1 percent.

Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and the Environment, said, “The UAE has a remarkable track record of climate efforts locally and globally. Owing to the futuristic vision of its wise leadership, the country raised its climate ambition in its first and second NDCs, submitted in 2015 and 2020 respectively. Today, we mark a new milestone in our voluntary commitment to environmental protection and climate action as we respond to the call of the Glasgow Climate Pact in our enhanced GHG emission reduction target.”

She added, “As the host of COP28, the UAE will continue building on its climate ambition towards 2023 and beyond. With the submission of the updated second NDC, we are demonstrating our commitment to progressively raising our ambition further each year as new solutions and initiatives become available.”

As the UAE prepares to implement its Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative, announced in 2021, a long-term strategy is being developed to inform a higher economy-wide emission reduction target and enhanced climate change adaptation and resilience efforts, which will be included in the next NDC.

The Minister noted that meeting the new target mandates a more active participation of all stakeholders, including the private sector, civil society, and youth, in driving climate action.

The updated second NDC emphasises the importance of engaging women, youth, and climate-vulnerable communities as part of an all-inclusive approach to developing policies and programmes that promote climate-smart living as a way of building a more sustainable future.

In its updated second NDC, the UAE has increased its greenhouse gas emission reduction target from 23.5 percent to 31 percent by 2030. To achieve this goal, the country aims to involve five priority sectors – electricity, transport, industry, waste management, and CCUS.

The updated second NDC outlines the UAE’s efforts to boost its adaptive capacity and climate resilience, including the conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems, such as the Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project and tree-planting drives. The country will plant 100 million mangrove seedlings by 2030.

To scale up the private sector’s contribution to reaching the enhanced GHG emission reduction target, the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) launched the National Dialogue for Climate Ambition (NDCA) as a platform to define and raise sectoral climate ambition and advance all-inclusive participation in the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative. NDCA engages stakeholders in UAE priority sectors, including manufacturing, cement, waste, transport, and energy, through hosting a monthly stakeholder assembly dedicated to a different sector every month to explore sectoral requirements, priorities, and future direction related to climate neutrality.

Moreover, MOCCAE rolled out the UAE Climate-Responsible Companies Pledge to increase the involvement of the private sector in the country’s decarbonisation drive. Signatories commit to stepping up their collective efforts to combat climate change by measuring and reporting their GHG emissions in a transparent manner, developing ambitious science-based plans to reduce their carbon footprint, and sharing these plans with the UAE government to help achieve the national net-zero target by 2050.

Source: WAM/Esraa Ismail/Amjad Saleh

One Moto is driving the wave of sustainability in Dubai Wed, 09 Mar 2022 05:28:49 +0000

● Innovative electric vehicle startup becomes the first company in Dubai to pledge to measure and improve sustainability using FuturePlus.
● FuturePlus is the revolutionary new tool for sustainability measurement and management.
● ONE MOTO’s CEO will champion FuturePlus across Dubai and the UAE to support and encourage others

Launched in the UAE, UK and India, One Moto designs and develops electric motorcycles, bikes, vehicles and scooters for inner-city commuters and the delivery community. The company’s CEO and FuturePlus champion, Adam Ridgway, has pledged to showcase ONE MOTO’s journey towards creating a more equitable and sustainable world. Expanding into global markets, One Moto has been working closely with FuturePlus to clearly define its sustainability ambitions and turn them into positive actions that can be easily understood and shared with organisations across the UAE and beyond.

Mike Penrose, CoFounder of FuturePlus, said, “Helping One Moto in their mission to change the way people travel and goods are delivered is an amazing challenge for all of us at FuturePlus. Having spent years in cities where mopeds are the main form of transport, I have no doubt that the transport revolution One Moto is championing will have an enormous impact on reducing emissions and improving the health of millions. We are thrilled to be working with Adam, and his team at OneMoto as FuturePlus is the perfect tool for them to define, measure, manage and share their sustainability goals and achievements. ”

One Moto is fully supported by FuturePlus in mapping out its sustainability strategy and will measure and manage its ambitious goals across five sustainability themes: Environment, Climate, Social and Economic Impact and Diversity and Inclusion. Adam Ridgway wants to share ONE MOTO’s progress against each of these themes with his investors, customers and supporters, and showcase how FuturePlus can empower every organisation, no matter how big or small, with an accessible, achievable, and affordable entry to understanding and communicating their sustainability goals.

Ridgway believes that an honest and transparent demonstration of what just one business can achieve is key to encouraging other organisations to play their part in securing a more sustainable future. For ONE MOTO, sustainability is an ongoing process that brings adaptability and resilience and improves profitability. Actively committed to ensuring their business ventures create positive
social and environmental impact, the company is now inviting all organisations to join them on the FuturePlus platform.

Ridgway said, “Being invited to become a FuturePlus Champion in the Middle East is an incredible honour. I’ve been a sustainabilist for several years and trying to navigate ways of improving my impact on the environment, and people was a lonely journey. Over the years, I set a personal mandate “to bring change” in every aspect of my life, and I’ve been pioneering sustainable mobility with ONE MOTO, a brand built of five values and several audacious goals.

Before taking the leap away from my ‘past life’ in the media, I asked myself a question, “do I want to be doing this for the next decade?” And as I was becoming a father for the first time, I decided I wanted to commit to my mandate and make a difference. Ensuring our customers have accessibility to transport is a major factor in our growth map. We have several ESG and CSR initiatives scheduled to ensure we can commit to this in ‘income-weak’ territories. As part of our journey and one of our values of affordability, EVs are traditionally known for having a high-ticket price (justified by the tech investment required). Yet, we’ve foregone this to ensure our vehicles, brand, values, and the problems we address are affordable, aspirational, and achievable.

As of today, 90% of our business focus is driven to the commercial EV market with delivery motorcycles and vans, and the environmental impact petrol motorcycles have on the environment is staggering and overlooked by many.

We actively share wisdom and encourage customers to make a choice, and it’s theirs to define if it’s the right one.

Electric Vehicles Hold Key To Zero-Emissions And Sustainable Mobility Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:18:26 +0000

International organizations at COP26 have committed to helping 27 developing countries in a bid to speed up their efforts towards a zero-emissions future in their transport sector.

The United Nations and Global Environment Facility announced during a conference in Glasgow that the newly identified nations will be able to secure financing for their electric mobility programmes through the GEF Global Electric Mobility Programme which was initially launched in 2019. 

The programme funded by GEF engages organizations such as the UN Environment Programme, International Energy Agency, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Asian Development Bank to help middle- and low-income countries transition to wider adoption of electric vehicles such as buses, two- and three-wheelers, trucks, light-duty vehicles, and private cars. 

These countries will be assisted in developing national electric mobility roadmaps and set targets, policies, as well as business models, and financing schemes that would accelerate the shift towards using zero-emissions vehicles on roads.

At the COP26 Transport Day, Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP, remarked: “A world where one billion extra vehicles are added to the global vehicle fleet by 2050 is simply not compatible with a world where we limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Emissions from the transport sector need to fall rapidly. For this to happen we have to make the transition to sustainable, clean, and efficient mobility.” 

The transport sector is one of the key contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and is expected to take up one-third of the energy-related emissions by 2050. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN body assessing the science behind climate change, all new vehicles across the world need to run as a zero-emissions vehicles by 2035 to meet the Paris Agreement climate targets. 

The first 17 countries which kicked off the first phase of the GEF Global Electric Mobility Programme included Antigua & Barbuda, Armenia, Burundi, Chile, Costa Rica, India, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Madagascar, Maldives, Peru, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, St. Lucia, Togo, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. 

The additional 10 countries that are set to benefit from the programme include Bangladesh, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Albania, Grenada, Indonesia, Jordan, the Philippines, South Africa, and Tunisia.

UAE Firms Up Strategy To Achieve Net Zero Emissions By 2050 Thu, 07 Oct 2021 07:01:11 +0000

The United Arab Emirates has launched its latest strategic move to become a pioneer among the oil-producing countries and in the Middle East and North Africa to make a pledge of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. It also plans to invest over AED 600 billion (USD 163 billion) in clean and renewable energy to attain climate neutrality.

The country’s leaders announced during the first week of Expo 2020 Dubai its ‘UAE Net Zero 2050’ national initiative following the conclusion of its Government Accelerator for Climate Ambition and Economic Development programme. 

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, commented during the launch, “We are committed to seizing the opportunity to cement our leadership on climate change within our region and take this key economic opportunity to drive development, growth and new jobs as we pivot our economy and nation to net zero. With an investment of over AED600 billion in renewable energy, our vision for a clean future is clear.”

Home to three of the largest solar facilities in the world, the UAE noted its international investment in renewable energy has reached USD 16.8 billion spread in 70 countries, as well as more than USD 400 million of aid and soft loans for clean energy projects. 

As part of developing the framework for a net zero emission path, the UAE said it is leveraging strategies focused on green economic growth and job creation.

Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Special Envoy for Climate Change explained how the UAE intends to achieve its goals citing the importance of employing innovation and cutting-edge technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

“We will call on the contribution of our academic institutions, large-scale industrial players, and innovative SMEs to create solutions that both drive down emissions while creating jobs and sustainable economic growth. We will also partner with our friends and allies around the world to share knowledge, expertise, and practical lessons so that our experience contributes to global progress and the UAE can benefit from best-in-class approaches from around the world,” Al Jaber said.

The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment has been tasked to lead and coordinate the efforts to implement the initiative which will require collaboration with concerned sectors, as well as cooperation with members of the civil society, international organizations, and governments of other countries.

UAE Launches The Largest Water And Energy Efficiency Programme Wed, 04 Aug 2021 09:43:00 +0000

To help achieve environmental sustainability in key sectors, the UAE has launched a new programme which will enhance the water and energy consumption of three major energy-consuming sectors: transport, industries, and construction. The National Water and Energy Demand Management Programme was approved by the country’s Federal Cabinet to enhance the efficiency of these sectors by 40 per cent.

Through the programme, the government plans to roll out several initiatives aimed at reducing the energy consumption within these sectors with the support of strategic partners and stakeholders from the federal and local governments as well as the private sector. Dubbed to be the nation’s largest water and energy efficiency drive, the programme will adopt the highest international standards in the field to achieve targets.

The UAE has committed to reducing energy demand by 40 percent by 2050, as well as increase the share of renewable energy by 50 percent in the country’s source of power while expanding water reuse to 95 percent. 

H.E. Suhail bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, who witnessed the launch of the programme, said that the programme aims to raise the performance of the sectors through a national rationalisation campaign while promoting collaboration among the stakeholders. 

In Dubai, the government has been implementing the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy which aims to source 75 percent of its energy requirements from clean energy by 2050.  It has also set the Dubai Demand Side Management Strategy 2030 targeting to reduce the demand for electricity and water by 30 percent by 2030. Meanwhile, the Abu Dhabi Demand Side Management and Energy Rationalisation Strategy (DSM) 2030 to reduce electricity consumption by 22 percent and water consumption by 32 percent by 2030.

We partnered with Schneider Electric in spreading the word on sustainability Sun, 18 Jul 2021 11:31:28 +0000

The partnership allows both firms to join forces to bring regional sustainability issues to the forefront

Schneider Electric has signed a partnership agreement with UAE-based green social enterprise, Goumbook, which will see the two organisations work closely to raise awareness of sustainability issues nationwide and provide volunteering opportunities for Gulf-based Schneider employees.

Launched in 2009, Goumbook promotes sustainable living and green practices in the UAE. As part of the deal, it will collaborate with Schneider Electric to implement green initiatives in its Gulf-based office facilities and provide a strong platform for building environmental sustainability.

At the official signing, Goumbook’s founder Tatiana Antonelli Abella commented: “As a social enterprise, Goumbook aims for high-impact change in its community, which is why we are so excited to have a major player like Schneider Electric as agents for real change in the region. Companies like Schneider Electric are leading the way for others to see what ‘being global but acting local’ truly means and this is our main mission as a social enterprise.”

“This partnership will solidify Schneider Electric’s goal of becoming a more sustainable company in the region with the implementation of localised social responsibility projects and green solutions,” revealed Ashraf Abdelkhalek, Schneider’s Gulf Sustainability, Health and Safety Manager. “Moreover, this will bolster our long-term sustainability strategy in the region and support the UAE’s recent drive for more sustainable energy solutions.”

In 2017, the UAE Energy Strategy for 2050 was unveiled, leading to a joint effort between all energy-related authorities and executive councils in the UAE to push for more renewables. It aims to increase the contribution of clean energy in the total energy mix to 50% (44% renewables, 6% nuclear), resulting in estimated savings of $190 billion by 2050.

In a bid to support the UAE’s long-term sustainability goals, Schneider Electric is also committed to becoming a key sustainability educator for the UAE’s youth. Schneider’s Natalja Kissina, Human Resources VP, Gulf – who was also present at the signing – revealed that sustainability topics have been integrated into the company’s recently launched UAE hybrid internship program and the firm’s virtual ‘2021 Sustainability Summer Camp’ for kids, which is currently in session.

For the period from 2018 to first quarter of 2021, Schneider Electric helped its global customers save 276 million tons of CO2 emissions.


This article originally appeared on

Bee’ah pioneering waste-to-hydrogen power in the region Sat, 05 Jun 2021 07:44:16 +0000

Sharjah’s waste management company Bee’ah has partnered with UK technology firm Chinook Sciences to explore the possibilities of producing green hydrogen fuel. The project, touted as the first waste-to-hydrogen project in the Middle East, seeks to build a green hydrogen generation plant and a hydrogen vehicle fuelling station aimed at powering the waste collection vehicles of Bee’ah.

The new project springs from the two companies’ USD 180 million gasification program in Sharjah which targets to turn waste into energy. The hydrogen plant and the fuelling station will be built alongside each other, which aims to overcome the challenges of costly transportation of hydrogen. According to the companies, they plan to use non-recyclable plastic waste and waste wood to generate the green hydrogen, which will be fed into the fuelling station. 


HE Salim Bin Mohammed Al Owais, Chairman of Bee’ah, said: “Green hydrogen will be a vital pillar of our future energy landscape and Bee’ah has been looking into this market for some time now with Chinook in alignment with our long-term strategy to develop new, sustainable energy solutions. As a sustainability leader, Bee’ah is keen to further support the UAE in its hydrogen economy ambitions, energy diversification and decarbonisation efforts.”


Dr. Rifat Chalabi, Chairman and CEO of Chinook Sciences, highlighted that the company will employ its patented RODECS gasification and pyrolysis technology in the UAE to break down hydrocarbons from waste using advanced thermal treatment to release and recover green hydrogen. 


“When the green hydrogen is used in vehicles, it emits only water and no carbon emissions,” he noted. 


Dr. Chalabi commented on the potential commercial value of the product. “Through the use of Chinook’s RODECS technology, the cost of green hydrogen from the plant shall be very competitive and has the potential to be equal to or even less than the cost of diesel and gasoline,” added Dr. Chalabi.


The plant once built is expected to produce hydrogen fuel for up to 1,000 large vehicles per day. These efforts are aimed at contributing to the UAE’s ambitions to cut its carbon emissions from energy consumption by producing power from renewable energy sources.

Net Zero Emissions By 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector Fri, 21 May 2021 11:34:02 +0000

The number of countries announcing pledges to achieve net-zero emissions over the coming decades continues to grow. But the pledges by governments to date – even if fully achieved – fall well short of what is required to bring global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to netzero by 2050 and give the world an even chance of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C.

This special report is the world’s first comprehensive study of how to transition to a net zero energy system by 2050 while ensuring stable and affordable energy supplies, providing universal energy access, and enabling robust economic growth. It sets out a cost-effective and economically productive pathway, resulting in a clean, dynamic and resilient energy economy dominated by renewables like solar and wind instead of fossil fuels. The report also examines key uncertainties, such as the roles of bioenergy, carbon capture and behavioural changes in reaching net zero.

Goumbook Drives EV Lab’s Electric Vehicle Fiat500 Around Dubai Tue, 16 Feb 2021 05:19:53 +0000

When electric vehicles become the new status symbol

It was a ‘green dream’ come true for Goumbook, and for Tatiana Antonelli Abella, to drive an electric vehicle in Dubai. Goumbook’s Founder and Managing Director recently drove an electric Fiat500 around the city for a few days, lent to her to test-drive by EV Lab, a newly launched mobility concept focused on supporting efforts towards adopting sustainable transport in the country. 

While cars have become a necessity for many, it remains a status symbol especially when it comes to driving luxury cars. However, with the high number of cars on the road contributing to air pollution and the rise of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere, it is no longer cool to be driving around with one, especially those gas guzzling ones, as studies have shown that 24 per cent of the world’s carbon emissions come from road transportation.

EV Lab provides a platform for car owners to explore and eventually adopt EVs as their car of choice by enabling them to understand and experience what it takes to drive an electric vehicle. The experience of driving an electric vehicle gives future owners the feel of what it is like to drive around with the awareness that the car has less environmental impact than the conventional ones. The company  is a boutique for a range of EVs available in the market.

Tatiana Antonelli Abella shared her driving experience, noting that EVs offer key benefits such as faster acceleration, ease of charging, extended range, increased power, and several other advanced technology features. She further noted that the UAE has the second-highest ratio of public charging stations per EV in the world, making the country a conducive environment to own an electric car. 

Electric vehicles are considered to cut an average of 20 percent of carbon dioxide emissions for every kilometre driven compared to conventional cars. It can go up to 100 per cent, if the car charging station is fully powered by clean and renewable energy. 

“There is an urgent need to shift to electric transportation which can make a big difference towards achieving the global goal of reducing our impact on the environment and addressing climate change, one of the most pressing issues of our time. Driving around Dubai in an EV made me realize how ready the city is to enable the shift, especially considering the great number of public charging stations around town,” added Abella.

Global sales of electric cars have soared to more than 40 per cent in 2020 amidst the pandemic and Dubai and other cities in the UAE are rapidly catching up with the trend attracting car owners to explore the idea of owning an EV rather than buying a conventional one. With the support of the government and key organisations to early adopters of EVs, there is no stopping EVs from becoming the new status symbol – with sustainability in mind.


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EV Lab was started by a group of founders who believed that EV’s needed to better represented as the future of automobiles in a region that is in love with petrol cars.

By channeling their knowledge of mobility in the region and expertise in retail, they created a concept which pushed education first and created an experience that supported the customer through their switch to EV’s.
